Saunas have been used worldwide for many years, and many cultures know the power of healing through heat. Infrared saunas are growing in popularity amongst natural and holistic healthcare professionals around the globe.
An infrared sauna is an improved version of traditional saunas. Infrared sauna harnesses the power of infrared panels to emit infrared light, a variant of electromagnetic radiation. Unlike conventional saunas, which rely on wood sauna stoves or electric heaters to warm the air within the cabin, infrared saunas utilize infrared light waves to heat the body directly. (1)
Upon contact with the skin and body, these infrared light waves deeply penetrate tissues, inducing warmth from within, akin to the natural warmth experienced from sunlight exposure. Unlike traditional saunas, the heat generated in infrared saunas is more concentrated on the body than dispersed throughout the cabin.
Consequently, the ambient air temperature within an infrared sauna remains comparatively lower, typically within 100–150 degrees Fahrenheit (38–66 degrees Celsius). This targeted heating approach contributes to a more comfortable experience for users.
The moderated temperature facilitates easier breathing and mitigates the risk of feeling overwhelmed or suffocated, particularly during extended sauna sessions, which typically last between 40–45 minutes (1)
To appreciate the wonders of infrared saunas comprehensively, it is imperative to delve into the intriguing domain of radiation and its multifaceted impacts on our physiology.
Radiation encompasses various forms within the electromagnetic spectrum, each characterized by its distinct wavelength. Certain types of radiation possess wavelengths shorter than visible light, exemplified by x-rays primarily employed for diagnostic imaging and ultraviolet rays—emanating. (3)
*Near-infrared: The shortest wavelength is distinguished by its ability to penetrate the body’s water, allowing it to effectively heat its core. Near-infrared is also associated with photobiomodulation. Photo biomodulation is a noninvasive, nonthermal therapy that stimulates cells to undergo self-repair through near-infrared light. Not surprisingly, near-infrared helps with wound healing and increases cellular rep.
*Mid-infrared: This wavelength is slightly longer than the near-infrared wavelengths. Water molecules capture it and increase circulation through vasodilation, bringing oxygen to areas needing healing and increasing both heart and metabolic rates.
*Far infrared: This is the closest wavelength to the body’s heat. The body’s water molecules readily capture it. The body naturally gives off far-infrared wavelengths at about 9.4 microns. Our energy is enhanced and strengthened.

The carbon heating panels used in most infrared saunas consist of strips of nanocarbon conductors. When the sauna gets turned on, it activates the part inside the conductors to release radiate far infrared rays that are invisible to the naked eye but are being dispersed into the sauna and absorbed into your body at the molecular level, producing significant health benefits to the human body. (3)
“An infrared sauna operates at a lower temperature. It is usually between 48.9 °C and 60°C) than a traditional sauna, which is between 65°C and 82°C. About 20% of the heat in an infrared sauna goes to the air, and 80% directly heats the body’s muscles and fats. It has been proven that heat penetrates more deeply than warm air, allowing you to experience a more intense sweat at a lower temperature (2).
As mentioned, the heat exposure in an infrared sauna is more tolerable, allowing you to stay longer while increasing your core body temperature by two or three grades more. In an IFR sauna, the radiant infrared energy heats the air slightly, directly heating the user’s body (conversion). (2).
It is essential to know that most of the sun’s energy output is in the infrared segment of the spectrum. So, there is no need to get nervous when ‘infrared light’ is mentioned. Unlike sunbathing, infrared sauna use will not cause your skin to burn. It is much more efficient because of the conversion process—it does not waste energy heating the air. There is an enormous difference between traditional and infrared saunas, which explains why clinical studies have shown tremendous health benefits from infrared saunas. (2)
Difference between sauna and Infrared Sauna
The primary distinctions between traditional (or conventional) saunas and infrared saunas lie in their operational temperatures and heating methodologies.
Tracing their roots to Finland, traditional saunas historically employed wood fires for heating. Presently, many Finnish-style saunas utilize conventional electric heating mechanisms. (4)
Conventional saunas operate by elevating the air temperature within the sauna to considerable levels, typically ranging from 78 to over 99 degrees Celsius. Heat is initially applied to the air, warming the skin, and raising the body’s core temperature.
In contrast, infrared saunas function by emitting infrared radiation or light, which is undetectable to the human eye but perceived as warmth. These infrared wavelengths penetrate the skin directly, heating the body without significantly impacting the ambient air temperature.
The temperature range in infrared saunas typically falls between 113 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Consequently, the maximum temperature in an infrared sauna is notably lower, exceeding by more than 30 degrees Fahrenheit the minimum temperature reached in a traditional sauna. (4)
Benefits of IR sauna | IR Sauna to Muscular Skeletal pain:
Infrared Radiation in the Management of Musculoskeletal Conditions and Chronic Pain: A systematic review highlights the significant potential of Infrared Radiation (IR) in reducing musculoskeletal pain, particularly in conditions such as fibromyalgia (FM), osteoarthritis, and athletic injuries. While IR shows promise as a complementary therapy, its efficacy in low back pain and sports injuries remains to be determined, with conflicting findings among studies. Safety concerns regarding IR include thermal burns and skin irritation, though these adverse effects were not documented in the reviewed studies. (5)
Methodologically, most studies employed perceptual and clinical indexes to measure IR effectiveness, often in conjunction with conventional treatments. Further research, mainly focusing on patient populations and incorporating biochemical and neuromuscular parameters, is needed better to understand IR’s therapeutic potential and safety profile. (6)
Infrared Sauna to Improve Cardiovascular Health:
This systematic review highlights the significant potential of Infrared Radiation (IR) in reducing musculoskeletal pain, particularly in conditions such as fibromyalgia (FM), osteoarthritis, and athletic injuries. While IR shows promise as a complementary therapy, its efficacy in low back pain and sports injuries remains to be determined, with conflicting findings among studies. Safety concerns regarding IR include thermal burns and skin irritation, though these adverse effects were not documented in the reviewed studies. Methodologically, most studies employed perceptual and clinical indexes to measure IR effectiveness, often in conjunction with conventional treatments.
Further research, mainly focusing on patient populations and incorporating biochemical and neuromuscular parameters, is needed better to understand IR’s therapeutic potential and safety profile. (7)
Infrared Sauna to Lower Dementia Risk, Mental Health Conditions and Boost Immune System
Mental health is an essential area of overall well-being. However, there are increasing numbers of causes related to disordered mental health. Studies have found that regular IR sauna use has the potential to be a mood booster while decreasing levels of anxiety and depression. According to some studies, it has also been shown to reduce the common cold incidence. A study conducted in Finland found that the frequency of weekly sauna habits directly correlates with lowering the risk of dementia. (8)
How Infrared sauna will help with the recovery:
In a crossover design, the first study compared the physiological effects of infrared sauna (IR) sessions, moderate-intensity exercise, and resting on ten healthy women. IR led to significantly higher core body temperature (Ttymp) responses than exercise and rest. However, there were no significant differences in blood pressure, arterial stiffness, or heart rate variability (HRV) among the interventions. (9)
The rise in core body temperature with IR was consistent with previous studies on passive heating methods. The findings suggest similar physiological responses between IR and traditional sauna activities, potentially crossing thermoregulatory thresholds. Sweating patterns differed between IR and exercise, with more profuse sweating observed during IR sessions.
Interestingly, despite the rise in core body temperature, respiratory rates did not increase significantly during IR sessions compared to control. This contrasts with the expected hyperpnea response typically associated with thermal exposure. Differences in thermoregulatory mechanisms and oxygen metabolism perturbations may explain this finding.
Contrary to expectations, no significant blood pressure or arterial stiffness differences were observed across interventions. Possible explanations include the mild intensity of both IR exposure and exercise or unintended beneficial effects from the control activity. Gender differences and baseline arterial stiffness levels may also influence vascular responses to interventions.
Similarly, HRV findings were unremarkable, with minimal changes observed intra- and inter-individually. Comparisons with existing literature are challenging due to variations in sauna protocols and inconsistencies in control group usage. Moreover, HRV may not accurately reflect cardiac autonomic nervous system responses due to its interdependent relationship with heart rate.
In summary, while IR induced significant core body temperature increases compared to exercise and rest, its effects on other physiological parameters, such as blood pressure, arterial stiffness, and HRV, were not significantly different. Further research is needed to elucidate the mechanisms underlying these findings and optimize IR therapy use in various health conditions. (9)
The second study found that an Infrared Sauna (IRS) session enhances the recovery of power capacity in the lower extremities, as assessed by Countermovement Jump (CMJ), and alleviates muscle soreness, supporting the study hypothesis. However, contrary to expectations, IRS had no discernible effect on nocturnal Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and subjective sleep quality.
Compared to Passive Rest (PAS), IRS attenuated the decline in CMJ performance during recovery. This aligns with prior research showing improved CMJ performance after a single endurance training session following IRS, although no improvement was observed after a strength training session. Interestingly, studies involving non-athlete participants showed improved power capacity recovery after using far-infrared “sleeping” bags during training.
Comparisons with studies on traditional sauna bathing highlight the unique aspects of IRS, which involves radiant heat rather than convective heating of air. Conventional saunas have been associated with decreased strength capacities and impaired performance after exercise, effects not observed with IRS.
The positive effects of Infrared Radiation (IR) on neuromuscular performance are speculated to be due to deeper heat penetration, potentially affecting fast-twitch muscle fibers. However, this study did not find differences in sprint performance or isometric leg press performance between recovery protocols, which is consistent with previous research. The variation in results across performance tests may stem from the diverse demands on neuromuscular mechanisms during exercise and recovery. (10)
A single session of post-exercise Infrared Sauna (IRS) was found to enhance the recovery of explosive strength capacities and reduce subjective muscle soreness one day after resistance exercise. Interestingly, this single IRS session did not negatively affect the acute recovery of the autonomic nervous system or sleep quality; instead, it increased the subjective perceived recovery the following morning. This suggests that the IRS could contribute to a better balance between training and competition load, enhancing athletes’ readiness to train and compete at a high level.
Given its safety and ease of integration into athletes’ training routines, IRS may serve as a practical recovery method for athletes. However, further studies are needed to investigate the mechanisms underlying the observed performance enhancement and reduced muscle soreness following post-exercise IRS sessions. These investigations could provide valuable insights into the efficacy and optimization of IRS as a recovery strategy in athletic contexts. (10)
The third study observed a significant interaction effect in Countermovement Jump (CMJ) performance and a substantial difference in Peak Power (PP) during the Wingate test, indicating positive effects of Far Infrared (FIR) heat on recovery. Improved voluntary muscle activation correlated with enhanced explosive force production and speed performances. This suggests that changes in the neuromuscular system may have contributed to the improvements in CMJ height and PP in the Wingate test. Additionally, a nearly significant difference in maximal isometric strength between conditions further supports the potential positive effect of FIR therapy on the neuromuscular system.
Although there was only a nearly significant difference in Mean Power (MP) in the Wingate 30-second test, it suggests slight positive effects of FIR therapy on anaerobic performance. The analysis showed that MP improved significantly between pre- and post-measurements during the experimental condition, while no significant changes were observed during the control condition. This partially supports the positive effects of FIR therapy on anaerobic performance. However, it’s unlikely to significantly enhance anaerobic capacity in well-trained athletes due to the relatively small load of FIR heat and the short duration of the training period.
The study did not find significant changes in peak lactate concentrations or lactate clearance rates after the Wingate test, suggesting that FIR heat may not accelerate energy production via anaerobic glycolysis. However, it’s possible that FIR heat accelerated the use of immediate energy sources such as adenosine triphosphate and phosphocreatine, potentially improving performance in the Wingate test. Further research is needed to explore the effects of FIR heat on immediate energy sources.
The observed trend for a slight improvement in MP during the experimental condition is likely due to improved neuromuscular performance, as indicated by the enhanced CMJ height. This aligns with previous studies showing positive correlations between short explosive strength performance and anaerobic lactic performance. (11)
According to the study published in 2015, ‘Effects of far-infrared sauna bathing on recovery from strength and endurance training sessions in men’ has concluded the deep penetration of infrared heat, reaching approximately 3–4 cm into fat tissue and the neuromuscular system, combined with the mild temperature range of 35–50°C and light humidity levels of 25–35% during FIRS bathing, appears to facilitate favorable conditions for neuromuscular recovery following maximal endurance performance. This suggests that FIRS bathing could be integrated as a component of recovery protocols for athletes and individuals engaged in regular physical activity. Notably, FIRS bathing imposes minimal physical stress on the body compared to traditional methods, offering a comfortable and relaxing experience that may enhance overall recovery outcomes. (12)
The study published in 2013, “Effects of far infrared warm on recovery in power athletes during a 5-day training period’ suggests that FIR warm therapy contributes to improved recovery of anaerobic performance over a 5-day training period. Subjective reports from participants also align with these positive effects of FIR warm therapy on recovery. Changes observed in the testosterone/cortisol ratio, creatine kinase (CK) response, and levels of serum testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) indicate a potential enhancement of the anabolic state and accelerated recovery attributed to FIR warm therapy. Overall, the results of this study suggest that FIR warm therapy may offer enhanced recovery benefits following a short 5-day training period when compared to passive recovery methods (13)
The study published in 2020 ‘Acute Neuromuscular and Hormonal Responses to Different Exercise Loadings Followed by a Sauna,” suggests that engaging in intensive strength exercises followed by sauna bathing induces greater fatigue in neuromuscular performance compared to intensive endurance exercises or a combination of endurance and strength exercises followed by sauna bathing. Consequently, a more extended recovery period is advisable before undertaking subsequent training sessions following strength training coupled with sauna bathing. Despite the observed elevated serum cortisol, testosterone, and growth hormone concentrations following high-intensity exercises, no additional changes in hormone levels were noted after sauna bathing post-exercise. The high-temperature sauna session lasting 30 minutes imposes significant fatigue on neuromuscular performance.
Therefore, avoiding strenuous sauna sessions at least 24 hours before the next training session is recommended to ensure optimal recovery conditions. Moreover, future studies could explore the benefits of sauna bathing using shorter durations and lower temperatures to optimize loading conditions and assess potential recovery effects. (14)
According to the study published in 2020, “Differences in cryostimulation and sauna effects on post-exercise changes in blood serum of athletes.” It was found that post-exercise alterations in the DSC profiles of athletes’ blood serum exhibit similar characteristics, albeit more pronounced following sauna treatments, and slightly diminished after WBC compared to sessions without prior therapies.
The exercise-induced elevation likely influences these changes in the concentration of oxidized albumin. Notably, the serum denaturation transition returns to its pre-exercise state within a few hours of rest, indicating a relatively rapid restoration of a portion of non-oxidized albumin molecules during recovery. Athletes undergoing exercise following sauna treatments experience temporary, heightened modifications in the blood serum proteome compared to similar exercises preceded by WBC treatments. However, they suggested combining cryotherapy and sauna could have a more positive impact. (15).
In conclusion, the accumulated evidence suggests that infrared sauna therapy holds promise across various domains of health and performance. Studies have consistently demonstrated its role in improving recovery, infrared sauna therapy has been found to enhance neuromuscular performance and alleviate muscle soreness following exercise sessions. However, caution is advised when combining intensive strength exercises with sauna bathing, as it may induce more significant fatigue in neuromuscular performance compared to other exercise modalities. It is recommended to allow for a more extended recovery period following strength training coupled with sauna bathing and to avoid strenuous sauna sessions at least 24 hours before the next training session.
Studies have consistently demonstrated its efficacy in reducing musculoskeletal pain, particularly in conditions such as fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and athletic injuries. Furthermore, infrared sauna therapy has shown potential benefits in enhancing cardiovascular health, lowering the risk of dementia, improving mental health conditions, and boosting the immune system.
Overall, while further research is needed to fully elucidate the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effects of infrared sauna therapy and to optimize its application in various contexts, the existing literature suggests that it holds significant potential as a complementary therapy for promoting overall health and enhancing recovery in athletes and physically active individuals.
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